Imam Reza
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Quranic Knowledge
> Quranic Sciences
The Holy Qur’an and the Psychology of Colours
The world of creation with all its wonders is indeed a delight for the eyes.
Coupling in animates in view of Qur’an (Part 2)
Coupling in animates in view of Qur’an (Part 1)
The Qur’anic verses give prominence to the issue of marriage and coupling both in animate and human as well as in objects and examinates. The following text adopted from “The Islamic Family Instruction” by Hussein Ansaryan exemplifies and interprets this issue.
Ant communication
The Qur'an indicates, when recounting Prophet Sulayman's (A.S) life, that ants have a communication system: hen, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: "Ants! Enter your dwellings, so that Sulayman and his troops do not crush you unwittingly." (Qur'an, 27: 18)
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 3)
There are two scientific viewpoints on the creation of living organisms including plants.
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 2)
From another perspective, all people are looked at separately. Of course, this perspective isn't in contradiction with the first, meaning that looking at the issue from both perspectives can give the same results.
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 1)
The Qur’an has explained the creation of man and his origin using different words and phrases. Some verses say that the initial material man comes from is clay. Other verses say it is water, while a third group say it is sperm. Meanwhile a fourth group says it was both clay and sperm together.
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 3)
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 2)
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 1)
The Holy Qur’an says in verse 28 of Chapter al-Baqarah: “He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, and He directed Himself to the heaven, so He made them complete seven heavens, and He knows all things.”