Sunday, April 8, 2018 5:00:59 PM
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 2)

From another perspective, all people are looked at separately. Of course, this perspective isn't in contradiction with the first, meaning that looking at the issue from both perspectives can give the same results.

 If we say that all people come from sperm, sperm comes from food, food comes from meat, fruit, plants and minerals, which all come from the ground and soil and dirt, then we can say that man is created from dirt, the same thing we said from the other perspective [that said we all come from Prophet Adam (PBUH) who was created from clay]. It is because of these two perspectives that some verses of the Qur’an are actually only speaking about Prophet Adam (PBUH) [5], while others are speaking of all people in general. In a verse, Allah says: “…I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My spirit…”‌[6], and in another verse, He says: “When your Lord said to the angels," Indeed I am going to create a human out of a dry clay [drawn] from a foul-smelling mud. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down in prostration before him.”‌[7] Clearly in these verses, Allah is speaking of the story of the creation of Prophet Adam (PBUH) and how the angels were ordered to prostrate before him.  One can't interpret Adam (PBUH) as all people, because in the verses that follow the one mentioned, Satan says “لَأَحْتَنِکَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَه‏...”‌ (…I will surely mislead and destroy his progeny…)[8]. If what was meant by Prophet Adam (PBUH) was all people, it wouldn’t make sense for Satan to say “his progeny”‌.

Some verses which are more general and have taken the creation of all people into consideration are: “He is the one who created man from water…”‌ [9], or “He [man] was created from an effusing fluid”‌[10].

In verses like these, in which it has been stated that man has been created from water or sperm and the like; all people in general are meant.

Anyway, what can definitely be concluded by Qur’anic verses regarding man's creation and origin, is that in the beginning, man was soil and dirt[11], that was mixed with water, making it clay[12], then became a foul-smelling clay[13], becoming sticky afterwards[14], and finally becoming dry clay[15].

How long each step of the process took and what things factored into each of them is something the human mind currently has no answer to, and it is only Allah (swt) who is truly aware of the answers to these questions.

One point which needs to be kept in mind is that the Qur’an doesn't explain the creation process of man in detail, because it is a book of guidance, not a science book, therefore, it shouldn’t be expected to deeply explain subjects like evolution, anatomy, embryology, etc. Of course, this doesn’t make it impossible for the Qur’an to sometimes make a few scientific points at the right time as well.

To be continued ...

 For further information, refer to:

1- Allamah Tabatabai, Al-Mizan, vol. 4 and 17

2- Tafsir Nemouneh, vol. 11, pg. 82 and on and vol. 23

3- Muhammad Taqi Mesbah, Rahnama Shenasi

4- Muhammad Ali Rezai, Pajooheshi dar I’jaze Elmiye Qur’an, vol. 2, pp. 429-564.

5- Yadollah Sobhai, Khelqate Ensan.

6- Saduq, Ilalul-Sharaye’, vol. 15, chapter 11.


5] Sad:72; Hijr:29.

[6] Sad:72.

[7] Hijr:29.

[8] Isra’:62.

[9] Furqan:54.

[10] Tariq:5-6.

[11] Hajj:5.

[12] An’am:2.

[13] Hijr:28.

[14] Saffat:11.

[15] Rahman:14.

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