a) Evolution or Transformism which says that organisms weren’t in the forms they are seen today, but were lifeless things that turned into single live cells in the oceans and seas because of certain circumstances.
These tiny and invisible live organisms gradually developed into different forms of animals and plants. The most developed form they evolved to is the human being, who had descended from the same single cell as apes and monkeys have.
b) The theory known as “Fixism” which says every form of living organisms was there from the beginning (man being one of them), denying any type of evolution from one form to another.
What the Qur’an apparently says is that Prophet Adam (PBUH) was created from dark clay and after his body took form, life and divine spirit was breathed into him and the angels were commanded to prostrate before him; all did so except for Satan. These verses suggest that there is no gap between the creation of Adam (PBUH) from clay and the current form humans have, and that people had this form from the start.
Conclusion: Although the Qur’an hasn’t directly engaged in explaining which of the two theories is correct, yet its verses suggest that the second theory is correct (of course regarding the creation of man), although once again, these verses don’t explicitly mention it.
One good reminder before closing is that man was created from two different entities; one being very high and the other very low in value. Man’s material side, which consists of reeking dark clay, is very low, while his spiritual side is very high, because it bears the divine spirit Allah (swt) has granted him.
What is important regarding this subject is that the initial material used to create man is worthless and very low, but Allah (swt) has created such a valuable creature from it than can ascend to the highest levels of nearness to Him.
For further information, refer to:
1- Allamah Tabatabai, Al-Mizan, vol. 4 and 17
2- Tafsir Nemouneh, vol. 11, pg. 82 and on and vol. 23
3- Muhammad Taqi Mesbah, Rahnama Shenasi
4- Muhammad Ali Rezai, Pajooheshi dar I’jaze Elmiye Qur’an, vol. 2, pp. 429-564.
5- Yadollah Sobhai, Khelqate Ensan.
6- Saduq, Ilalul-Sharaye’, vol. 15, chapter 11.