Friday, March 2, 2018 8:53:07 PM
Imam Hasan Askari (AS) words about Imam Mahdi (AJ)

Imam Hassan [pbuh] declared:” My son, do recite all the Holy Books of the past Prophets! “

Hazrat Mahdi  [ pbuh ] recited then the Book of Ibrahim [ pbuh ] in Syrian; after that Hazrat Mahdi recited the Holy Books of the Prophet Noah,  Idriss,  Salih [ peace be upon them all! ], the Torah of Moses [ pbuh ], the Bible of Jesus [ pbuh ]; and at last, but not the least,  he recited the Holy Qur’an of his forefather Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, the last Messenger of God, and he told their life stories.”

After his words were finished, Imam Hassan told him:

”My son, you are the Living Proof of God among the people and the nations! You are the Face of God while praying, you are the protected trust of God, you are a memory of one of the branch of the Heavenly Tree called “Touba “! You are the child of “Sidratol Montaha “[The Highest and Holiest Place in God’s Heaven near the Holy Throne of God Almighty].

You are the Successor of virtuous men and women! You are the mine of Mysteries and Secrets of God! You are the memory of the Pure! You are the Final Day of the world! You are the child of the Glorious Names of God Almighty!  You are the child of the Greater Monotheism. You are the Huge and Prominent Veil of God Almighty!

You are the connection link between Earth and Heaven! You are the Face of God Almighty that from the past until the present time, pious men have always been aware of your high rank!

Because of your holy existence, God Almighty sustains His creatures!  Your holy existence on earth is the reason of the survival of the creatures of God Almighty! Your existence is the reason of the constant, firm condition of Earth and Heaven! You are the argument, from among many other arguments of God Almighty!

You are the Safeguard of the believers! You are the Last Savior of the virtuous men. You are the remembrance of the Prophets. You are aware of all Knowledge and Science!

 This here child is the completion of the Signs of God Almighty, and the Traditions of the holy Family of Bani Hashim!

He is the memory of the Light of God! He is the memory of the venerable Prophet! He is the memory of the “Straight Path “of our Holy God! He is the memory of our merciful, clement Prophet! He is from the holy Family who possesses the most eminent, the highest rank and the greatest position in the Presence of God Almighty!

He is the Successor of the Mysteries and Secrets of “ Nobovvatt “ and “ Imamat “ and “ Caliphate “ and “ Velayat “ and “ Leadership “ and “ Purity “ [ Innocence ] and “ Divine Wisdom“.

He is the child of the shining, clear “Ayat “[Signs] and the child of the splendid fourteen stars of Imamat, who govern all the creatures on earth and who know all the Mysteries of the Universe and all the things that are usually hidden to Mankind. They [the Imams] know everything in the mind and hearts of the people and are witnesses of the people’s deeds and actions.

Our Holy Qur’an, which is an obvious, shining Proof, is testifying and approving all these aspects, which belong to them; and that is because the Shiite Imams are the first and the last Masters on earth! They are the possessors of everything and everywhere by the Will of God Almighty!                             

God Almighty has given a little drop from the ocean of our Existence and a shaft from our shining Light and a piece of Knowledge from our Divine, Vast Knowledge to His Prophets! That is because just a unique word from the Glorious Name of Allah was among the Prophets, and they could accomplish so many miracles! While all the seventy words of the Glorious Name of Allah, and also what had been in the possession of the other Prophets, were beside the holy Family of Muhammad [pbuh and his Family]!

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