Sunday, April 8, 2018 10:54:46 AM

The Necessity of Attending to Qur'an During Hajj

This article would like to remind the dear pilgrims that during their journey to the dignified Mecca and the illuminated Medina and in all the sanctified stations, never neglect their sociability with the divine book of guidance, the exalted Qur'an, as, whatever the Muslims have achieved and will achieve is by the abundant blessings of this Holy Book.

At the same time I should ask all the distinguished scholars, the children of Qur'anic teachings and the esteemed scientists not to neglect this sacred book which is "the pronouncer of everything" (T1BIAN KOLLE SHEI'), and has been issued from the All-Divine sanctuary. And flashed into the heart of the "First Light" and the revelation of the "All-in-All" (JAM'OL JAM'). This heavenly-divine book which contains the objective and scriptural feature of all heavenly Names and Attributes and proofs and evidence, to whose occult attainments we have no access, and of

whose msyteries, none but the sacred wholesome being of its particular addressee (Lit.. MAN KHOTEBA BEHI) is cognizant, and the chaste saints have perceived their cognizance by the grace of His blessings and through His teachings, and by the grace of their own heartily diligence, those of pure cognition, have been able to attain a sparkle of it, commensurate with their degrees of perception and spiritual attainment and now that the scriptural feature of it from revelation tongue, being descended through stages and degrees, has been placed in our hands, with no single letter diminution or addition, we must be careful, lest, God forbid, it is deserted, notwithstanding the fact that its various dimensions, and in each dimension, the various stages and degrees, are beyond the comprehension of ordinary man. However, those of cognition and exploration can benefit by this endless treasury of theosophy and Muhammadan ocean of inquisition and pass it on to others. The people of philosophy and reasoning, by inquiring into the mysteries appertaining to this divine book, should reveal inklings of these profound issues, solve and disclose the theosophical problems and convey to those interested. And the piousmen of self-discipline and self-consciousness should gift to the thirsty for this "KOWSAR", a fragrance and a draught of what their hearts have perceived from "ADDABANI RABBI" (God so trained me), and educate them with divine culture, as much as possible. And those chaste, thirsty for guidance, should impart to those inflamed with love for divine guidance, a sparkle of what guidance they have achieved by the grace of their chastity, from the fountain-head of "guidance for the virtuos" (Lit., HODAN LEL-MOTTAQIN).

And, lastly, every group of the elite scholars and honorable scientists should elaborately expound one of the heavenly dimensions of this holy book, make efforts to discourse upon the political, social, economical, martial and cultural enlightenments of the holy Qur'an as well as the know-how of peace and war management, in order to unveil to all, that this book is the fountain head of everything, from gnosticism and philosophy to literature and politics so that the burning desire of the devotees of the holy Qur'an be calmed down and the ignorants no longer say that gnosticism and philosophy are but some fabrications and asceticism and that such wayfaring are but the pastime of the calender dervishes, or, what Islam has to do with politics and government and management of the state, as, this is the king's job and of the presidents and the worldly minded, or Islam is merely a religion of peace and reconciliation and detests war, even with the despots. Then they deal with the holy Qur'an the same way the unenlightened Church and the demagogue political leaders did with the religion of the exalted Christ.

O! religious seminaries, O! inquisitive academies! rise up and save the holy Qur'an from the evil of the ascetic ignorants and the impudent scholars who attack the holy Qur'an and Islam knowingly and deliberately. I, myself, admit, seriously, not out of modesty, that I regret for my life wasted on errors and mistakes, and you, dear children of Islam, awaken the seminaries and the universities to their sense of responsibility to heed the merits of the holy Qur'an and its numerous dimensions. Make it your uppermost aim and point of view to teach the holy Qur'an, every scope of it. Beware, lest, God forbid, at old age, suffering from decrepitude, feel sorry for your deeds and regret your youth, like the author. We must know that, the reason why this everlasting Book has been descended for the guidance of man, of every race and color and at every land and region, upto the eternity, is to maintain the validity of the important and vital issues, and make it clear that the problems referred to in the Book, do not belong to one era or area and never suppose that Abraham, Moses and Mohammad (PBUH) meant to belong to one particular time.

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