Association with Bahā'īs
Any association with this mislead, misleading sect should be avoided.
To Teach a Kifā’ī Obligation
The obligation to teach that which is a kifā’ī obligation does not detract from the permissibility of getting paid for teaching it, especially if receiving the salary is in return for reporting for work and giving lecture classes.
To Get Money for Teaching Islamic Law
Although, generally speaking, giving instructions in ḥalāl/ḥarām matters is an obligation in itself and, therefore, it is not permissible to get paid for it, there is no objection to being remunerated for the preliminaries on which the very teaching of jurisprudence does not depend and they are not obligatory upon any body — like being present in a certain place.
To receive salary for holding congregational prayers
There is no objection to getting reimbursed for one's transport expenses, or getting paid for providing services, which are not obligatory for the mukallaf according to the Islamic law.
To Work in Companies Owned by a Non-Muslim State
In itself, there is no objection to dealing in legitimate business, even if it leads to generating profits for non-Islamic states unless the state is at war with the Muslims and exploits it to serve its war machine.
To Work for a Non-Muslim
There is no objection to working for a non-Muslims by itself, provided that it is not a ḥarām works nor detrimental to the general interests of Islam and Muslims.
To Produce, Buy, Sell, or Use Narcotics
It is ḥarām to use narcotics in any way because it results in considerable adverse effects in terms of personal health and social cost. By the same token, it is ḥarām to deal in narcotics in any way, i.e., carrying, transporting, storing, selling, buying, etc.
To Buy / Sell Pork
It is not permissible to buy or sell pork for human consumption, even to non-Muslims. However, should there be other rational, considerable and ḥalāl uses for the meat, such as animal feed, or using its fat in the manufacture of soap, and the like, there is no objection to sell or buy it.
To Transport Non-ḥalāl Meat
It is not permissible to transport non-ḥalāl meat if it is used for human consumption, irrespective of whether the potential buyer sees it fit to consume or otherwise.
Money Received by the Purchasing Agent
The seller is not allowed to pay money to the purchasing agent, nor is the latter allowed to take the money. Whatever money the agent receives should be delivered to the department or the company.
Compensation for the Estate Agent
The estate agent has the right to demand a compensation for recommending viewing of the property and accompanying the buyer to see the property. However, if he is not involved in concluding the sale, he has no right in demanding a fee for the transaction.
There is no objection to working in beautifying women, nor is it objectionable to get paid for it provided that it is not intended for showing it to non-maḥram men.
Magic is ḥarām, so is training in it unless it is taken up for a sensible and legitimate reason.
Divination and getting paid for it are not compatible with shar'.
To Write Supplications
There is no harm in writing supplications transmitted from the infallibles (a.s.) and getting paid for it.
There is no harm in it if it is done for a sensible motive, with the consent of the person to be hypnotized and it is not associated with any ḥarām act.
Evocation of Spirits and Jinn
There is no problem in evocation of spirits and jinn provided that it is taken up for a sensible reason and does not involve/entail a ḥarām act.