"Ill-wishers of divine Islam are after sowing sectarian and increasing religious divisions; given that it is upon Muslims from all sects to further practice the Holy Quran teachings so as to foil their hatched plots," underscored the religious cleric.
Along with Hojjatol Islam Val Moslemin Ali Akbari, Iranian religious clerics lecture those of people who turn a blind eye to Islamic rules and regulations noting Muslims should cleave to the divine religion of Islam and religious principles.
Urging Muslims to take steps in the path of Holy Quran and Islam, they place emphasis on the elevated role Islamic Principles can play in advancing the set objectives in the World of Islam, materializing Muslims' dreams, and thriving on the existing pressure.
They call for obedience to Quran principles, refusal to succumb to whatever western society wants to impose and also resistance against their impositions.