Tuesday, April 24, 2018 3:29:18 PM
Fields of humanity for accepting the culture of monotheism

Culture of God-Islam, has strong roots in the teachings of divine and human nature. In this culture, they are remembered with the expression of external prophet and internal prophet. And both the factors will enter the action as complementary to each other.

In other words, the culture and psychology of God-Islam, can`t be separated from each other. According to theory of Islam-God psychology sect, man only through education, faith and Godly applied education will reach to mental peace. The holy Quran says: By remembering God, hearts will be calm (RAAD 28). Imam SADEGH (AS) in interpretation concept of PATTER (ZEKR) says: concept of patter is not only saying God is clean (SOBHANALLAH) and thanks God (ALHAMDOLLAH), aim is to remember God in legal and illegal matters, and in another article Imam (AS), adds: even though all these words are patters but the main concept is matching the behaviors with God`s trainings.
On these basis in monotheistic culture, the belief is in existence of God as the creator and lord of the man and his breeder, everyone is bound to do all voluntary actions, on the basis consolidated training. Based on the above understanding, except biological and vegetal processes, which they are automatically in accordance with the genetic laws of God, if human wants to achieve a healthy life,
he is responsible to match all his voluntary behaviors, that means: individual and social acts, in accordance with God`s commands. His art in the life, is the try to learn lord`s trainings, and their implementation in conditions of time and place of his own life. However, behavior of man will be done according to control and specific criteria of God, and has no right to do whatever he wants. In summary, we can say, a unitary human is controlled individual, and all his instincts, erotic desires and voluntary behaviors are fully controlled in accordance with divine law. This control mechanism in all Godly religions is so called as piety, and the person who possess this case is called as pious man.
Jesus, while teaching to his own disciples, describes the mechanism as below:
keep your body, just like a horse who lives in a special relief, because they feed the horse, sufficiently, but force it to work infinitely, and they keep curb in its mouth, so to move by their wish, and they tie the horse, so not to hurt others, whenever the horse disobeys, they will beat it, so you young man, they will do the same to you, to obey the God. My word should not make you angry, because, David the prophet, has done in the same way, and he admitted: I am like a horse at your service, oh God, and I will be with you, always.
Imam Ali (PBUH) also says: every believer is controlled. 
in fact, we can consider the collection of God`s trainings as controls and curbs, will fix the human in the path of growth and perfection. The main theory in Islamic culture is the achievement of human through self-control and using the consolidated trainings, to get healthy life and mental growth.
we can say, taking decision to achieve the self-control and effort in this path, is the main key to use the God`s culture to reach to growth.
Imam Ali (PBUH), explains the missions of Lord`s prophets as such:
God raised the prophets among them and sent the messengers sequentially, so they ask, for what was in their nature and remember the forgotten grace, and talk to them through propaganda and raise the hidden minds, and put them to work, and show them the powerful verses.
Based on the above interpretations, the teachings of God prophets are the tools for the growth of innate mind and upon this, they should be considered and used as laws of mental growth, laws of individual, social, and spiritual laws of man.

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