In signing ceremony, Bahrami said field of culture belongs to nations and government can only facilitate cultural relations.
Mrs. Safi said the MoU is to help eliminate problems of Afghan refugees in Khorasan Razavi Province and is to prepare framework for planning and executing common works between the two countries.
She pointed to MoU role in legalizing cooperation process and called for transparency in share of women in the framework of the MoU or compiling a supplementary MoU especially for ladies.
According to the MoU, the two countries are to establish cultural centers affiliated to the consulates in the two cities and field of activities of the centers are limited to the two provinces in Iran and Afghanistan.
The two sides also agreed to hold book fairs, art works and indices for cultural heritage and cultural products in each other countries.
The nine-clause MoU said cultural activities would be upon Vienna Convention of 1963 and in accordance with consulate regulations and current law of the two countries.
Duration of the MoU is for 3-year and it could be renewed for another three years period.
The initiative talks started in year 1394 (2015), and was finalized on September 16, 2018.
Because of four decades of war and insecurity in Afghanistan, more than 3 million Afghan took refuge in Iran.
The two countries have more than 940 kilometers common borders.