Imam Reza
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Two New Submarines Join Iran's Naval Fleet
Two Ghadir-class submarines capable of launching subsurface-to-surface missiles, torpedoes and mines have joined Iran's naval fleet.
Ghadir and Meaning of “Mawla” in Sunni Sources
Considering the circumstances at the event of Ghadir, is it sensible that “mawla” means “friend” and “helper”? Supposing it to be true, did Muslims fulfill the obligation of help and friendship after the demise of the holy Prophet?
Eid Al-Ghadir to Be Celebrated in Sweden
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Sweden will host a ceremony on the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir on August 30.
Islamic Unity through Correct Position of Ahl Ul-Bayt (PBUH)
Islamic scholar, Soheil As’ad, says the Islamic unity could be attained through the correct explanation of the importance and the position of Ahl ul-Bayt (PBUH).
Thoughts of Imam Ali (PBUH): Islamic unity
it is well known that the Household of the Prophet tried hard to preserve the rites of Islam, to call Muslims to restore its glory, to unify their beliefs, and that they also strived to maintain the brotherhood of Islam and to remove malice and enmity from the hearts of the Muslims.
Ghadir in Qur"an
Love for the Messenger of Allah, attachment towards his Ahl Al-Bayt (pbut) and their obedience are the factors which lead to success in this world and salvation in the Hereafter. Otherwise, man will stray off from the right path and enter the lane which only ends at Hell, never able to get out from it.
The Significance of Ghadir
This day I have perfected for you, your religion, and have completed My favor on you and chosen for Islam as the religion (Holy Qur’an 5: 3)What was that day on which God revealed this verse to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
Imam Ali(as),Unique Leader in the History of Mankind
The history of mankind has witnessed many leaders over the ages. Many of these leaders achieved leadership through might or inheritance and some were chosen as leaders because of certain outstanding qualities that they possessed.
Eid al-Ghadir
He calls them, (on) the day of Ghadir, their Prophet in Khumm so hear (and heed) the Messenger"s call,
Al-Ghadir in the Qur’an (Part 3)
The Holy Qur’an states: “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (Surat Al-Ma’idah, Verse 3)