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Quranic Miracles
Quranic Stories
Quranic Sciences
Quranic Supplications
Light and Dark
Praise belongs to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and appointed darkness and light... (Quran, 6:1)
How the Process of Photosynthesis Begins In the Morning
Light is one of the most essential elements in the performance of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis varies in proportion to the intensity and duration of the light source. With the reception of the Sun’s rays in the morning, photosynthesis—in other words, the production of oxygen begins.
The splitting asunder OF "The Heavens and the Earth"
Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Quran, 21:30)
The Creation of What Lies Between the Heavens and the Earth
The Quran contains a great many verses concerning the creation of the earth, the heavens and what lies between:
The Coming of the Universe into Existence
Until the mid-20th century, the prevalent view across the world was that the universe was infinite, had existed forever and that it will continue to do so for all time. According to this view, known as the "static universe model," the universe had no end or beginning.
The Expansion of the Universe
The accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the universe appears to be expanding at an increasing rate, so that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time.
Reduced Movement at Night
He splits the sky at dawn, and appoints the night as a time of stillness and the Sun and Moon as a means of reckoning. (Qur"an, 6:96)
Old manuscripts of the Quran
Most of the early original Qur"an manuscripts, complete or in sizeable fragments, that are still available to us now, are not earlier than the second century after the Hijra. The earliest copy, which was exhibited in the British Museum during the 1976 World of Islam Festival, dated from the late second century. [Lings, M. and Y. H. Safadi: The Qur"an, London, 1976, No. 1A. However, there are also a number of odd fragments of Qur"anic papyri available, which date from the first century. [Grohmann, A.: Die Entstehung des Koran und die altesten Koran-Handschriften", in: Bustan, 1961, pp. 33-8.]There is a copy of the Qur"an in the Egyptian National Library on parchment made from gazelle skin, which has been dated 68 Hijra (688 A.D.), i.e. 58 years after the Prophet"s death.
Early manuscripts
Writing Material Early manuscripts of the Qur'an were typically written on animal skin. We know that in the lifetime of the Prophet, parts of the revelation were written on all kinds of materials, such as bone, animal skin, palm risps, etc. The ink was prepared from soot.
Lailatul Qadr: Night of Power, Night of Destiny or Night of Majesty
On the Night of Power pray to God with all your heart and He will definitely answer all your prayers. The Quran says: "Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night. And what will make you comprehend what the grand night. The grand night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gibreel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of the morning." (97:1-5)