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Quranic Miracles
Quranic Stories
Quranic Sciences
Quranic Supplications
The Qur"an in Manuscript and Print
THE QUR"ANIC SCRIPT Writing, although not very widespread in pre-Islamic time, was well-known among the Arabs. The script used in the seventh century, i. e . during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, consisted of very basic symbols, which expressed only the consonantal structure of a word, and even that with much ambiguity.
The Mushaf Of 'Uthman
During the time of 'Uthman differences in reading the Qur'an became obvious, and after consultation with the Companions, 'Uthman had a standard copy prepared from the suhuf of Abu Bakr that were kept with Hafsa at that time.
Collection of Revelation during the Prophet's Lifetime
During his last pilgrimage, at the sermon which he gave to the large gathering of Muslims, the Prophet said: 'I have left with you something which if you will hold fast to it you will never fall into error- a plain indication, the book of God and the practice of his prophet. [Ibn Hisham, p. 651.]
The masahif of the companions
There are numerous indications in the literature of hadith that several of the Companions of the Prophet had prepared their own written collections of the revelations. [Suyuti. Itqan, I, p 62] The best-known among these are from Ibn Mas'ud, Ubay bin Ka'b and Zaid bin Thabit. [See Dodge, B, The Fihrist of al-Nadim,New York, 1970 (abbr. as fihrist), pp 53-63.]
Surat al'Ankabut The Spider
The sura has been named Ankabut because of ayat no.41 which talks of the fraility of the false gods, comparing them to the web of a spider.
Transmission of the written text
What is meant by Jam' al-Qur'an?The general meaning of jam' al-qur'an is to 'bring together the Qur'an'
The Qur'an and revelation and scripture before the Quran
God communicated with man. This is the key concept of revelation upon which all religious belief - if more than a mere philosophical attempt to explain man's relationship with the great 'unknown', the 'wholly other' - is founded. There is no religious belief, however remote it may be in time or concept from the clear teachings of Islam, which can do without or has attempted to do without God's communication with man.
An introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an (Ulum al Qur'an) By: Ahmad von Denffer
The Qur'an contains the revelations of Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, to mankind. It is the message from God to man and therefore of utmost importance to us.
AL-QURAN, The Miracle of Miracles (part 2)
AL-QURAN, The Miracle of Miracles (part 1)
Say: If the whole of mankind and jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur`an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.