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Quranic Miracles
Quranic Stories
Quranic Sciences
Quranic Supplications
The Main Point Of Ayah 96 of Surah Al-A’araaf
If the people of the towns had but believed and adopted piety, (all kinds of) blessings from the sky and the earth should indeed have opened out to them by Allah . . .
Enjoying Foods and Drinks in The Quran
Enjoying Foods and Drinks: Commentary of The Quran (Chapter 2:172-173) by: Mohammad Sobhanie
The Main Point of Ayah 11 of Sural Ar-Ra’ad
Abu Khalid Kabuli narrated: I heard from Imam Sajjad (AS) who always used to say: There are five sins which change Divine Blessings, and they are:
The Secret Number, Forty, in the Qur’an
The significance of the age of forty is undeniable, as Prophet Muhammad said, “When one gets forty God tells his two guardian angels, ‘From now on, be strict on him and note every small and big deed he does.’” This shows that one’s personality is formed before he becomes forty years old and every inner change will become harder after that.
Quran on God's Love
Sura AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN), Verses 31 and 32
How is the Quran a Miracle? (2)
In this book, we observe treasures and reservoirs of knowledge which is beyond the ability and capacity of the most intelligent individuals, greatest philosophers and strongest political and legal personalities. And it is because of these aspects that the Quran just cannot be the work of an educated or a learned person.
How is the Quran a miracle? (1)
In connection with the greatness of the Noble Quran, we begin by quoting a few statements from some of the renowned personalities and also from those individuals, who have been accused of standing up to combat the Quran.
Was The Quran Collected During The Time of The Noble Prophet or After Him?
We do know that the name of the first chapter of the Quran is Fatihatul Kitab, which means 'the Opening (chapter) of the Book (Quran)', and from various traditions of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w) it can be plainly concluded that this chapter had been familiar, by this very name, during the time of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w) too.
What Are The Muhkam ‘Clear’ And The Mutashabeh ‘Ambiguous’ Verses?
In verse 7 of the chapter Ale 'Imran we read: هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آياتٌ مُحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتابِ وَ أُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهاتٌ “He it is Who has sent down to you (O' Muhammad!) the Book, of it there are some clear Verses, these are the basis of the Book and others are ambiguous.”
Why Are Some Of The Verses Of The Quran Ambiguous?
Why is it that the Quran, despite being light and illumination, and a true and manifest speech and a book that has come for the guidance of the general masses, contains the Ambiguous Verses? Why are the contents of some of the verses vague, so as to be misused by those seeking to sow dissension and discord? This is an issue which is immensely important and thereby calls for great attention.