On the Resurrection Day, all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, the angels, prophets and all the people shall stand before the Supreme Allah. No one has the power to speak except those whom Allah allows to.
On that grave day, everybody will see the consequence of his, or her, deeds. The righteous will be happy with their achievements, and the unbelievers would regretfully say" ""we wish we were soil and would have never been alive."" We read in Holy Qur’an: Lord of the heavens and the earth and what lies in between them, the Beneficent who none is allowed to speak before Him. The Day on which the spirits and the angels stand in arrays and do not speak, except for the one whom the Beneficent grants permission to and speaks right. That is the Real Day (for) anyone who wishes to seek recourse to his Lord. Indeed We warned you of a nearby punishment; a Day on which man will look at what his hands have sent forth, and the unbeliever shall cry out: ""could I not be soil?""