Wednesday, June 13, 2018 1:16:28 PM
4 Things You Should Never Eat Or Drink After 20:00

Your dreams should be sweet; your before-bed diet shouldn’t. Here’s what to avoid before hitting the sack, and what to snack on instead.

Your dreams should be sweet; your before-bed diet shouldn’t. Here’s what to avoid before hitting the sack, and what to snack on instead.

Regardless of whether you’re focused on maximum fat loss and getting ripped or trying to pack on pounds of lean muscle mass, certain foods should always be avoided after 9 p.m. Remember, you’re about to embark upon an eight-hour fast otherwise known as sleep.

So if you do make a big dietary blunder, your body has no chance to compensate by burning additional calories.

Repeat these mistakes habitually, and while you may dream of having an amazing physique, what’s happening inside your metabolic and endocrine systems is more like a nightmare. These ‘don’t-go-there’ choices will not only wreck your appearance but also jeopardize your health.

The good news is that it’s okay to have a late-night snack before bed — as long as you choose foods that will promote lean-tissue building and fat loss. And while we tell you what to avoid in the article below, we also offer more physique-friendly alternatives.

Next up on our list of foods to avoid before bed is pasta. If you’re in mass-gaining mode, consuming some carbohydrates before can help out. Put there are much better choices than insulin-spiking pasta before bed.

Those calories will be highly prone to settle around your waist. Pasta is one of the more calorie-dense carbohydrate sources around; you can easily consume 400 calories or more in a single pre-bed sitting.

Pasta does less damage earlier in the day — for example, before or after your workout, when your body actually requires a much higher overall carbohydrate intake.

That’s when your body is actually primed to use those carbohydrates to fuel your activity and replenish the high energy storage in the muscle cells. In this case, you’re actually supporting your long-term goal.


If you’re craving pasta before bed, go with some spaghetti squash instead. It’ll give the same taste and texture as pasta with just a fraction of the carbs.

Chocolate isn’t just higher in sugar and fat content than other late-night snacks. It also contains caffeine. If you’re sensitive to this stimulant, chocolate could rob you of the precious sleep you need to allow your body to recover maximally from your hard workout sessions.

As a result, you won’t make the progress you otherwise could. Those who don’t sleep enough on a regular basis are much likelier to suffer from increased cortisol levels, which will actually encourage muscle tissue breakdown.


Whip up your own high-protein chocolate brownie. Simply mix together one scoop of chocolate protein powder with one egg white and then place in the microwave for 90 seconds or so.

You’ll have a protein-packed caffeine-free dessert that will kill any chocolate craving fast.

One habit that some people get into is filling their pre-bed meal with plenty of protein.

The logic is sound: You know your body will need amino acids to repair and build muscle tissue over the next eight hours, and you’re going to be sure you supply it.

You also know that protein has little impact on blood sugar levels, making it a good night time dietary selection.

While both of the above statements are definitely true, if you’re taking this advice to heart and serving up a full 8 or 12 ounces of chicken as David Letterman is going through his top-10 list, rethink your game plan.

Some protein is definitely required before bed and a must for preserving your lean muscle and promoting a speedy recovery, but overdoing it at this time is just going to force the body into an extensive digestive process which could cause you to lie in bed awake.

Protein does take a lot of energy to digest and break down so if you want to be sure that you get a peaceful slumber, so aim to keep it between 20 and 50 grams total before bed, depending on your overall protein requirements.

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