Imam Reza
All Stories
> Ahl-Ul-Bayt
Basic Beliefs and Principles
Islamic History and Civilization
The Holy Prophet
Imam Ali (A.S)
Hazrat Zahra (A.S)
Imam Hassan (A.S)
Imam Hussein (A.S)
Imam Sadjad (A.S)
Imam Baqir (A.S)
Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Reza (A.S)
Imam Javad (A.S)
Imam Hadi (A.S)
Imam Askari (A.S)
Imam Mahdi (A.S)
Jafar al-Tayyar (Part 1)
Abu Talib, Shaikh al-Bat-ha, missed his nephew our Master Muhammad [PBUH]. So, he went to look for him. He was not alone. His son Ja'far aged twenty was with him. Shaikh al-Bat-ha and his son went to the hills near Makkah. They found him there.
The Slave Zayd Ibin Harithah
On the day of his marriage, The Holy Prophet Mohammad Al-Mustafa(pbuh&hf) had set free Barakah, the faithful slave he had inherited from his father; and on the same day the Lady Khadeejah(as) made him a gift of one of her own slaves, a youth of fifteen named Zayd.
Martyrdom of Hani bin Urwah Muradi
Shaikh Mufeed says that Muhammad bin al-Aash’as came to Ubaydullah and interceded on behalf of Hani saying, “You are aware of the honor that Hani holds in this town while also his family in the tribe.
Martyrdom of the Two Sons of Muslim bin Aqil (A.S) (Part 1)
Shaikh Sadooq has related in his Amali from his father (Ibne Babawayh Awwal), from Ali bin Ibraheem, who relates from his father, from Ibraheem bin Raja, from Ali bin Jabir, from Usman bin Dawood Hashmi, from Mohammad bin Muslim, from Humran bin A'ayan from Abu Mohammad, one of the noblemen of Kufa. He says that when Imam Hussein (A.S) was martyred, two infant boys from his cantonment were arrested and taken to Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. Ubaydullah called for the prison guard and said, "Take away these two children and imprison them. Do not give them good food or cold water, and harass them."
Martyrdom of the Two Sons of Muslim bin Aqil (A.S) (Part 2)
When night advanced, the evil son-in-law of the old woman came and slowly knocked at the door. The woman inquired as to who it was. He replied that he was her son-in-law.
Martyrdom of the Two Sons of Muslim bin Aqil (A.S) (Part 3)
Then the man called his son and said, "I have gathered for you through lawful and unlawful means, while this world is such that it should be acquired.
The Most Vivid Portraits of Gallantry and Sacrifice (Part 1)
On the tenth of Muharram (Ashura), the Imam said the last Dhuhr (noon) prayer before he was martyred. Most of his comrades in arms were martyred earlier that day, in the exchanges of volleys of arrows between the combatants. Thus, he was left with the immediate members of his family and a small band of his companions. The fighting force of the Imam totaled some seventy-two warriors. And yet, despite their small number, they were enjoying high morale and showing exemplary gallantry.
The Most Vivid Portraits of Gallantry and Sacrifice (Part 2)
On the day of the Battle of Karbala, all the companions of Imam Hussein (A.S), men and women, depicted the most vivid portraits of gallantry and sacrifice. They left their indelible marks in the chapters of history of mankind, only to be revered and emulated. Had their equivalent been found in the history of the West, they would have held them in a very high regard.
The Most Vivid Portraits of Gallantry and Sacrifice (Part 3)
The eleventh of Muharram, 61 AH was one of the worst days that the Progeny of the Prophet (A.S) had witnessed. Examining the tragedy of Karbala from its both ends, i.e. the shining side that is full of vivid images of bravery, patience and sacrifice in the cause of God and the dark side that teems with the ugliest imagery of treachery, vileness, and crime, the implications of the dialogue between God and the angels when He was informing them of Adam’s creation, would become manifestly clear:
Martyrdom of Ammar Ibn Yasir part 2
On the other hand the traders and the rich of Quraish had spite against Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his message of Islam. Hence, they plotted against Islam and the Muslims. Abu Jahl was the most spiteful polytheist; he mistreated Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers very much.